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TX-TF2 uses the National Incident Management System (NIMS) resource typing system when determining the appropriate resource for deploying the task force. NIMS describes a total of four typing systems for Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Task Forces, as defined below:
Type-1 – A Type-1 Urban Search and Rescue US&R Task Force is a 70-person multi-disciplined resource which conducts search and rescue response efforts for all hazards, including locating, accessing, medically stabilizing, and extricating survivors from light through heavy frame construction damaged structures. Specialized operational personnel include rescue, canine search, medical, hazardous materials (hazmat), technical search, and communications. A Type-1 task force is capable of continuous 24-hour operations, which can split into two 12-hour operational period teams. Additional operational capabilities include wide-area search, floodwater operations, and US&R operations in contaminated environments, to include Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense (CBRNE) events. This resource is self-sustaining for 72 hours and deployable for up to 14 days.
Type-2 – Type-2 US&R Task Force is a 70-person multi-disciplined resource which conducts search and rescue response efforts for all hazards, including locating, accessing, medically stabilizing, and extricating survivors from light through heavy frame construction damaged structures. Specialized operational personnel include rescue, canine search, medical, hazmat, technical search, and communications. A Type-2 task force is capable of continuous 24-hour operations, which can split into two 12-hour operational period teams. Additional operational capabilities include wide-area search, floodwater operations, and US&R operations in contaminated environments, non-CBRNE events. This resource is self-sustaining for 72 hours and deployable for up to 14 days.
Type-3 – A Type-3 US&R Task Force consists of a 35-person multi-disciplined team with the same core capabilities as a Type-2 US&R task force, capable of 12-hour operations periods for up to 14 days
Type-4 – A Type-4 US&R Task Force consists of a 22- person team with the similar core capabilities as a Type-3 US&R task force, only instead with the focus of operations on light to moderate frame construction damaged structures, capable of 12-hour operations periods for up to 14 days.
TX-TF2 currently only accepts applications from personnel who live within 3 hours of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. This time constraint is due to the quick response necessary during a deployment.
Applications to become a member of TX-TF2 are open each year from June 1-July 31. Instructions on how to submit an application are posted during that time period under the “Join” tab. Please note: applications for Medical Team Managers (doctors) and Structural Specialists (engineers) are open year round.
Qualifications for every position on the task force are listed under the Join page year round. We adhere to the National US&R Response System position description qualifications and general requirements for each position. As such, we encourage all interested personnel to look at the requirements for the position they are interested in AND the FEMA General Requirements when preparing their application. Any applicable certifications should be submitted with the application. Please note that FEMA classes are not available to personnel not currently rostered on a Task Force.